Nakuru National Park

It can be visited in a day tour from Nairobi, has beautiful scenery and plenty of wildlife. It’s main attraction, however, is the huge pink flamingo population, which has been called the biggest flamingo show on the planet.

The park is rather small, 188 square kilometers of which a third is covered by the lake. The lake is surrounded by acacia forests, rich grassland and rocky cliffs where lots of animals and birds reside. The variety in vegetation is huge, with 500 different plant species including the biggest euphorbia forest in Africa. From Baboon Cliff, you have a superb view over the park, especially in the few hours until sunset. The Lion Hill and Out Of Africa Hill are also great viewpoints. The Makalia Falls within the park are also worth visiting.

Animal Spotting

The flamingo population is terrific to watch, but be warned that their presence is unpredictable. Once numbering between 1 and 2 million, the bulk of them disappeared in the 1960s and 70s after heavy fluctuation of the lake levels, through droughts replaced by heavy rainfalls. Many returned, to disappear again in the 1990s with further heavy fluctuations of the lake level.

Since 2000 the flamingos have been returning, though their number isn’t up to the old level (yet), and they may move elsewhere again when conditions become worse. Apart from the flamingos, the lake is home to over 400 bird species, which makes for some great bird watching.

Futhermore, the Lake Nakuru is waterbuck heaven. Because of the absence of natural enemies, the waterbuck population numbers in the thousands. There are also lots and lots of buffaloes and warthogs.

Furthermore, leopards, zebras, dik-diks, ostriches and jackals can be seen, as well as elands and Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles in the southern part of the park.

The population of 25 white rhinos, brought in from elsewhere, is one of the biggest in Kenya. A herd of hippos can often be seen bathing in the lake and the park is also known for it’s large pythons. Elephants, however, are absent.


Game viewing, bird watching.